Operation & Training

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As an pioneer in providing security services we give utmost preference to the recruitment of our personnel in accordance
with stringent parameters laid down as a policy. This includes basic education, age, physical fitness and background verification. The recruitment department is responsible for police verification, background checks and service records of each employee hired by our organisation.


All Guarding Personnel deployed by our agency undergo Security Training Course which imparts the necessary skills to perform their assigned duties with great efficiency and productivity. The training process is ongoing and progressive throughout the employee’s career to refresh and further develop their knowledge with the current trends and scenarios. We have well equipped training facility with required equipment and training supervisor to provide ample training to all our personnel.

Full Training is provided before deployment by an Ex-Army Personnel/Training Officer who is also an advisor to our organisation:

Criteria Includes:

  • Satisfactory Verbal Communication: English/Hindi/Kannada.
  • General & Basic Knowledge.
  • Satisfactory Written Communication: English/Kannada for maintaining in and out records.
  • Fire & Safety Training: Use of Fire Extinguisher & Fire Fighting Equipment.
  • Combat Training: For Self Defence & Preventing Thefts & Robberies at premises.
  • Crisis Management: For Escalation & Reporting.


Training shall be provided for a minimum period of 100 hrs of classroom instruction followed by 60 hrs of field training spread over atleast 20 working days is compulsary as per the PSARA Act.

The Ex Servicemen and Ex-Police Personnel shall however be required to attend a condensed course only for a minimum of 40hrs of classroom instruction and 60 hrs of field training spread over a month.

The Training Exercixe covers

Basic Training: Physical fitness training, discahrging basic duties, key responsibilities of the guarding personnel, Behavioural Skills, Uniformity in Dressing, Alertness, Courtesy, Obedience.

Industrial/Commercial Security Training: Handling different type of documents realted to in/out register of material, informing about any visitor/guest entry to the reception, Receiving of Letters/Couriers and dispatching to particular department, Monitoring of CC TV Cameras store supervision, factory supervision, residential & commercial security, Hotel Security, Mall Security, Bank Security, ATM Security, Cash in Transit security, Patrolling, Search & Emergency Protocol Pocedures, complete handing & taking over procedure, Maintenance & log book & attendance register, handling of keys, usage of metal detector, security weapons,examining & identification of papers and report writing for supervisor and above post. Emergency First aid training, fire prevention & control, crisis response and disaster management, strike/Riot control procedures.

Pre Deployment Activity

Before we take up any assignment, Our operation & survellance team visits the site for survey to analyse and understand the requirement of security at the client’s premises. Based on the survey detailed report is prepared including suggestions from our point where security/surveillance is critical, A security requirement keeping in mind the sensitive areas is designed & submitted. A detailed set of instructions including charter of KRA’s for the security personnel, and expectations from security staff, SOP’s or emergency procedures and other relevant details are drawn. These Instructions are prepared in consultation with the clients requirement.

Post Deployment Activity

Supervision, Rotation & Surprise Checks: The activity of the security personnel are supervised by area/field officers on a regular basis during day and night time including surprise checks for any negligence of duty. Apart from physical check and inspection, we have app based surveillance of our guards which empower us to monitor their activity remotely. Attendance of guards with time and location punch is also automated. Remote monitoring at the time of pandemic has given us edge to monitor our guards 24/7 without physically visiting the site. The rotation of security personnel is done preferably every twelve months or as per client’s requirement.
The staff is subject to transfer, as we do not encourage our staff to become familiar with employees or the union, which is in the best interest of the client.

24/7 Customer Care Cell

Over and above regular checks, remote monitoring, night rounds and surprise visit, We have a 24/7 customer care cell that allows us to keep keeps in touch with our clients to get feedback on the services and in resolving any critical or emergency issues.

Training Modules

A trained security personnel is an asset to an organisation. Our training program is specifically designed, keeping in view modern business requirement and in compliance with PSARA. Our training programs, covers all the aspects of training starting with physical fitness, classroom training, on job training and special training. Aim of our training program is to make our security guards self reliant and capable to handle day to day security functions and empower him to provide required assistance during crisis situation.

Physical Fitness Training for Security

The most important aspect of a security guard is his physical well being. Without physical fitness a security guard cannot face day to day challenges which the security service job demands. Security guard needs to undergo physical training to increase their endurance, stamina and overall fitness level. Physical training imparted to the guards ensures that they are fit and motivates them to perform their day to day activities with enthusiasm and much alertness.

Classroom Training for Security

A modern day security does not have to be fit only physcially, but needs to be euipped with necessary skill and ability to perform his job in the most professional manner. Classroom training sessions brings the best out of the security personnel and gives him the confidence to get through his daily job routine with high efficency and minimum error. Our classroom training covers all broad topics which prepares him to carry out security work in any industry. We have well equipped classrom at our training facility to impart situational based training and conduct interactive sessions to make the learning fun and create better recall rate. Our class room training methodology includes the following:

  • Interactive lectures
  • Video Presentation
  • Case Studies
  • Group Discussions
  • Mock Drill
  • Role Playing
  • Practical Training


Along with guarding techniques, they are also trained for usage of technological applications and handling of security equipment, devices and systems.

On Site Training for Security

While physical fitness training program prepares the guard physically and classroom training polishes his mental skill, on site training goes deeper and imparts the necessary skill which is related to the workplace where security guard is deployed. On site training is provided at the workplace and covers all the topic related to the work & SOP’s to be carried out at site. Our onsite training includes the following activities

  • Demonstration
  • Practical Training
  • Simulated exercise
  • Mock Drill

Fire Fighting, First Aid and Life Safety Training for Security and Facilities Staff

Fire fighting, first aid and disaster management has become important aspect of security. A security guard should be able to take necessary steps to combat fire and provide first aid till the arrival of the fire brigade or ambulance. We provide fire fighting training not just to our guards, but to the client’s employees also in order to collectively handle fire and save lives during any emergency situation.

First aid for various life threating incident can be very useful tool. Basic level of disaster management such as earthquake, flooding, riots, etc. proves to be very effective at the time of crisis.

Training for Facility Management Services

We also provide classroom and practical training to our facility personnel to give them necessary skill to take on their daily task with increased efficiency and productivity. It includes understanding of various chemicals used in cleaning, their usage, quantity and careful handling. Training about latest equipment usage, safe handling and maintenance is also covered. Frequency of cleaning, time keeping and optimum usage of available manpower are part of training.

First Eye Detectives & Security Services

# 3-68/69, 3rd Cross, 2nd Main, A Sector, Amruthnagar, Sahakaranagar Post, Bangalore-560092.

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